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Study Scavenger Services
Study Scavenger provides on-the-go simple study information to motivated, determined potential research subjects.
Study Scavenger allows the user to search when it's convenient for them -regardless of where they are. In this fast paced world, Study Scavenger is available anytime, anywhere.
Study Scavenger offers secure, free-of charge and up-to-date notification services for clinical trials while maintaining the user's privacy.
Study Scavenger capabilities allow the ability for the potential research subject to speak directly to the research site for more information and to coordinate their first appointment with a simple click.
Study Scavenger provides email notifications for newly posted studies.
Study Scavenger gives the potential research subject the ability to set mileage and stipend parameters that meet their current travel and financial needs.
Flat Fee Pricing Option: Study Posting on
Clinical Hero
website and all distribution channels